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Ofem Ubi


June 20 2017 , Written by Ofem Ubi Published on #poetry

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and text One day our sun will set
And our flesh will become the tomb for wrinkles 
So on our skins will kiss the dust
And our bones shall become one with the earth in solemn silence for eternity 
We will loose sense of any and everything witty 
Humour will become a myth and
From what we were made back to we will return 
Unclad like the beginning 
The very earth we tread upon will be the glue that holds our charred remains together 
The ground will become ceiling 
And the fortitudes of our loss will be left for our families and loved ones to bear 
One day the book of demise shall grace our names 
And our strength shall grow extinct but before then... 
Before our bodies become too light to carry the weight of those mascaras, lashes and jewelries 
Before our earlobes loose their firmness 
Too worn to retain the beauty those earrings once gave them
Here's my message to us all me inclusive 
Serve the Lord while it is yet day 
Gather the seedlings of your praise while the sun still smiles 
For when the moon crawls across the lintels of your heart 
When your knees become too feeble to kiss the floor like they used to 
And your pale eyes lack vigor so much that your eyelids share benediction before your lips do
Will the tears of regret linger on the surface of your cheeks 
Or will the Joy of a glorious homecall melt your heart into drops of contentment that water the tongue of dehydrated 
Let your life before him be a pictorial tutorial for the toddlers yet to come forth 
For if your service to life can raise his brows or move his finger 
Then to earth you have drawn heaven closer.

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