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Ofem Ubi


September 26 2017 , Written by Ofem Ubi Published on #poetry, #BlackPower

I have lived

Long enough

But yet long enough to filter truth from lies

Long enough to understand that all that glitters is not gold

And sometimes wood shines brighter than diamond

I have seen that the first draft of love gives a smooth feeling swiftly followed by roughness

I have learnt that true love is acoustic

Absorbs the noise,doubts and sucks it in

I have heard of laughter,the type that carries hiccups

And tears comprised of joy

I have heard that the beautiful ones are not yet born

But I have understood that beauty is human

And if we are not the beautiful ones then what are we

I have seen doubts deflate

Love liquidate

Emotions expire

Feelings fade

Smiles shrink

Believes bend

Hopes halt

Tears tear

I have understood that mothers possess mushroom hearts

With spaces much enough to accommodate mistakes,fears and imperfections

I have understood that sky is earth’s ceiling

And the stars are a thousand of chandeliers

I have understood that we can be made of sugar but taste like quinine

I have understood that struggle is unisex

And wahala is racist

I have seen waistlines more curvy than the crescent

I have seen shapes more sexy than the coke bottle

I have seen colors too heavy for the rainbow to carry

I have seen love flee the very second it heard of patience

I have seen designer caskets

The type that steals your breath even when GOD hands it back to you on easter

I have heard accents

Sharp;two edged like a new born razor

I have shook hands with the rain and made passes at the sun

I have heard words the taste of alcohol

And my eyes have walked places my feet is alien to

I have heard. I am still hearing

I have seen, I am still seeing





Ofem Ubi

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